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How to practise a new language in context

Jun 22

3 min read



Learning a new language is a rewarding yet challenging endeavour. While textbooks and language apps provide foundational knowledge, the key to truly mastering a language lies in practising it within real-life contexts. Here are some practical strategies to help you immerse yourself and practice a new language effectively.

1. Engage in Conversations with Native Speakers

One of the most effective ways to practice a new language is by speaking with native speakers. This can be done in several ways:

  • Language Exchange Partners: Find a language exchange partner who wants to learn your native language. Spend half of the time speaking in your target language and the other half in your native language.

  • Online Language Communities: Websites like Tandem, HelloTalk, and ConversationExchange connect you with native speakers around the world.

  • Local Meetups: Attend language meetups or cultural events in your area to practice in person.

2. Immerse Yourself in Media

Consume content created by native speakers to understand how the language is used in various contexts:

  • Movies and TV Shows: Watch with subtitles in your target language. Pay attention to colloquial expressions and pronunciation.

  • Podcasts and Radio: Listen to shows on topics you’re interested in. This will help with listening skills and understanding different accents and dialects.

  • Music and Lyrics: Listen to songs and read the lyrics. Try to understand the meaning and sing along to improve pronunciation.

3. Read Extensively

Reading is an excellent way to expand your vocabulary and grasp grammatical structures:

  • Books and Articles: Start with children’s books or articles on familiar topics. Gradually progress to more complex texts.

  • News Websites: Reading news in your target language helps you stay updated with current events while learning new vocabulary.

  • Blogs and Social Media: Follow bloggers or social media influencers who write in your target language.

4. Write Regularly

Writing helps reinforce what you’ve learned and improves your ability to construct sentences:

  • Journaling: Keep a daily journal in your target language. Write about your day, your thoughts, or respond to journal prompts.

  • Online Forums: Participate in discussions on platforms like Reddit or language-specific forums.

  • Language Apps: Use language learning apps with writing exercises to get feedback on your writing.

5. Practice Daily Life Activities

Incorporate the language into your daily routines:

  • Cooking: Follow recipes in your target language. Watch cooking shows or read food blogs.

  • Shopping: Write your shopping list in the new language. If you live in an area where the language is spoken, practice conversations with shopkeepers.

  • Daily Tasks: Label items around your house with their names in the target language. Try thinking or speaking to yourself in the new language as you go about your day.

6. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Leverage technology to practice consistently:

  • Language Learning Apps: Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive lessons and practice exercises.

  • Flashcard Apps: Use apps like Anki or Quizlet to build and review vocabulary.

  • Voice Assistants: Change the language settings on your voice assistant (like Siri or Alexa) and practice asking questions and giving commands.

7. Travel and Cultural Immersion

If possible, spend time in a country where the language is spoken:

  • Study Abroad: Enrol in language courses or academic programs in your target language.

  • Volunteer: Participate in volunteer programs where the language is spoken.

  • Travel: Even short trips can provide valuable practice. Try to communicate exclusively in the local language.

8. Be Consistent and Patient

Consistency is key in language learning. Set realistic goals and be patient with your progress:

  • Set Goals: Define short-term and long-term goals. For example, aim to learn a certain number of new words each week.

  • Track Progress: Keep a language journal to track your learning journey and celebrate milestones.

  • Stay Motivated: Find ways to stay motivated, whether through rewards, joining a study group, or reminding yourself of your reasons for learning the language.


Practising a new language in context is crucial for achieving fluency. By engaging with native speakers, immersing yourself in media, reading and writing regularly, incorporating the language into daily activities, leveraging technology, and seeking cultural immersion, you can make significant strides in your language learning journey. Remember, the key is to stay consistent and enjoy the process of discovering a new way of communicating with the world.

Jun 22

3 min read



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